Subject: Games Author: Phil Osmon Uploaded By: David T W Date: 1/27/1989 File: WMF.ZIP (50176 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53271 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 8 Equipment: CGA graphics capability Needs: An UnZIPing Program Keywords: Osmon, Stock, Type: ShareA fund manager allows you to add funds to (or delete funds from) a list. So funds appear in the sequence you find them in Barron's on Saturday or in your newspaper. To view charts of your fund data files, simply start WMF on a fund that you select from your list of funds. WMF will display full-screen plots of your data in the sequence that they appear in your list. Hit the space bar to move on to the chart of the next fund in your list, or to return to the menu. To see these displays your IBM-compatible computer must be equipped with a Color Graphics Adapter (able to display 200 by 640 pixels). Computers with CGA, EGA, and VGA boards have the capability to display in this graphic mode. Your monitor should also be able to display high intensity characters. A limited import capability exists. Text files of closing prices and payouts can be read in initially and converted to the two random files which WMF uses for each fund. These random files are then used by WMF in all updating and charting. Tip: WMF does not provide any means of printing the graphs on a dot-matrix printer, but you can use *IF* you first run the DOS program, GRAPHICS.COM before entering WMF. prints the displayed graph in landscape mode. To run, enter: WMF